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    What do you know about the Consumption of Blueberries?

            I bet you didn’t know that apart from the fact that blueberries are tasty fruit to eat, it also adds some great health benefits to its taste! checkout these essential health benefits of Blueberries and you are going to wish you had discovered them a long time ago. Do you know that blueberries contain phytochemicals and phytonutrients that assist in the battle of early indications of maturing and keeping your body in the best condition?    Do you know blueberries can help in bone improvement as it contains phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and vitamin K, each of which supports bone development and formation?   Do…

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    5 Natural Ways to Detoxify the Body

         Detoxification is a way of removing toxins from the body system by purging it off harmful toxins that might have negative effects on one’s wellbeing. When it comes to toxins, some of them are produced from inside of the body’s internal organs or through exposure to certain harmful substances that get into the body either from our environment, things we eat and much more. Although the whole body system needs to be detoxified once in a while, there are five (5) major organs in the human body that needs thorough detoxification.   The stomach The liver The kidney The blood The cells     Ways to Detoxify There are lots of…

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    How You Can Improve Your Digestion

        At some point in life, we have all had to go through digestion issues like constipation, indigestion, bloating, heartburn and even diarrhea. Looking like its one of the normal phase we must all pass through once in a while, don’t be worried you only need to practice some personal hygiene and follow some simple steps to avoid this type of discomfort.   Eat more Homemade foods  From eating lots of junk foods you are also taking in unhealthy foods that cause irritation in your body. Excess toxins can be a reason for stomach related issues like loose bowels, constipation, indigestion among many others. An outstanding approach to resetting…

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    Health Benefits of Green Tea

        Green tea is produced using unoxidized leaves. Although it originated from China, it has traveled far and wide over the century because of its various health benefits. Green tea is a must-have for every household because it contains some cancer-preventing agents and because of some of its other health benefit which includes:  It Boosts Metabolism and Burns fat According to research green tea has been proven to help boost metabolism and help in fat burning in the human body.     Has Effect on Cancer Scientists trust that the antioxidant in green tea reduces the effect of some cancerous cells( stomach, bladder, breast and prostate cancer). it is proven…

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    Ways to Shrink Your face Fat Naturally

    The face is a very common area where fat can get stored in the body. The very first place people notice when they look at you is in the face, getting uncomfortable with a big cheek is normal but there are some easy to come by meals and habits you can practice to shrink in your face fat.   Eggs  Eggs are filled with tons of supplements and they have heaps of the face fat reducing protein, for example, Vitamin B6, vitamin D, vitamin B12, vitamin E, vitamin A, and vitamin K, folate, lutein, choline, phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc, and omega – 3fatty acids. What’s more, eating eggs can help you in…

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    Natural Ways To Blur Your Stretchmarks

      1. Drink a lot of water: you ought to consider drinking up to ten glasses of water every day to keep your skin hydrated and limit the presence of stretch marks. Keeping hydrated will help prevent new stretch marks from forming. Water is the quickest and most efficient way to minimize the appearance of stretch marks. Properly hydrated skin is softer and more supple, causing your skin to appear more toned and eliminating the obvious appearance of the stretch marks. 2. Exfoliating with sugar: Sugar is a substance that can help to shed away dead cells and revive your skin. It is viewed as one of the best home solutions…

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    Trying To Conceive Tips You Should Know

    It might be difficult trying to conceive that bundle of joy( baby) but who knows some of your habits or ignorance might be what’s stopping your chances of conceiving. Here are some tips you should have in mind while trying to conceive. Stay away from Alcoholic drinks and Smoking: Although an incidental bottle of alcoholic drink or glass of wine most likely won’t influence your odds of getting pregnant, yet alcoholic drinks can reduce your chances of a conceiving, especially since you may not know precisely when you ovulate, you might need to avoid any risk and cut out alcoholic drinks totally. Additionally, in the event that you utilize any recreational…

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    Diarrhea Causes, and Prevention

    Diarrhea is usually your body’s way of telling your gastrointestinal system is contaminated. Diarrhea infection in children is usually caused by a virus. That moment when you get an uncomfortable feeling that you need to make use of the toilet multiple times a day, passing of loose, watery stool accompanied by abdominal pain and cramping is when you should realize you having Diarrhea. Although diarrhea will clear up on its own in a couple of days, yet severe diarrhea or diarrhea that lasts for weeks can indicate a health issue that needs to be looked into medically.   Causes of Diarrhea Contamination of water Viral infection  Food allergies Bacterial infection…

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    Quick Home Remedies to Flu and Sore throat

        Be it cause of change in weather or because of dust, the body might be caught up with Flu, don’t panic if you get a running nose, sore throat or even headache. sooth yourself with these home remedies and you might not even need to take a trip to the hospital before you get better.   1. Take a steamy bath: You can ease yourself of a stuffy nose by taking a warm shower and inhaling some steam. Hold your head over a pot of bubbling water and inhale gradually through your nose. In any case, be cautious in order not to get your nose burnt.    2. Drink a lot…

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    Foods To Eat For A Wider Hips and Bigger Butt

    For some people who don’t want to do it the surgical way, here are some easy to get foods that can help in your Hips and Bum region for the increment you desire.     1. Eggs  Whether boiled or fried (preferably boiled) egg is a good source of fat, high in proteins, Vitamin D and basic amino acids. That’s short and long of it, adding two eggs into your eating routine will contribute significantly to expand your butt. Additionally, you likewise get an additional portion of vitamin A and selenium. 2. Avocado It is one organic Food which has every supplement and ought to be considered in your eating…

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    Can I Get Healthy Eyelashes ?

                                                 YES, YOU CAN! Everyone especially the ladies love the idea of healthy long eyelashes, unfortunately, the lashes can begin to fall off when unhealthy. In such situations, it is important to seek out medical advice. The medical professional will determine whether the eyelashes have fallen out because of a health problem or not. It is also possible to take individual measures, to stimulate the growth of the eyelashes after they have fallen out.     The health of the eyelashes can be affected by the prolonged usage of low-quality/expired makeup…

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    7 Libido Boosting Foods

       It’s not really unheard of to lose sex drive once in a while, people’s libido fluctuates through life. In any case, a low sex drive for a period of time may cause worry for a few people. The good news is, there are some foods you can eat to boost your libido.                             1. Bananas: They are one of the best sources of potassium, which balances the impacts of sustenances high in sodium. Salty sustenances can not just decrease blood surge to the private parts, which can make it harder to achieve climax, however, they can likewise…