Alcohol use: The effects on the body
A glass of Alcohol once in a while won’t pose a threat, what will is the excessive consumption. We all know that too much of everything is bad especially when it comes to health issues, it is important to be careful about what we eat and drink. Alcohol can affect the body in some ways if not consumed with caution.
Dangers Associated with Excessive consumption of Alcohol Include
- Addiction: Alcohol can have some effect on the body that makes one develop the urge to consume more than it ought to be consumed. Although this craving can be due to past family history or the present state of mind, where you just can’t help, but drink like your life depends on it, thereby leading to other health issues.
- May lead to Type 2 Diabetes: Drinking less alcohol can tend to control insulin resistance which is the primary indications of diabetes but the reverse is the case when alcohol is taken excessively. Insulin resistance occurs when there is an unusually high blood sugar in the body leading to Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a common illness that affects some of the world’s populace caused by a decreased level of glucose by the cells and excessive consumption of alcohol has a relative contribution to this illness.
- May lead to Birth Defects: Drinking alcohol in pregnancy is hazardous for a developing child. It has been observed that it affects the improvement, development, knowledge, and conduct of offspring which may endanger them even after birth temporary or permanently. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy especially at the early stage is the main preventable reason for birth defects worldwide.
- Associate To The Growth of Cancerous cells: Especially in the mouth, throat, colon, breast, and liver, alcohol consumption poses a hazardous factor for the growth of cancerous cells in these regions. The cells coating the mouth and throat are particularly defenseless against the unsafe impacts of liquor, thereby giving in to a threat. One’s hazard expands with the more alcohol consumed as even a little daily consumption of alcohol is connected to an expanded danger of mouth and throat cancerous cell growth that may even spread to other parts of the body.
- Danger To the Heart: Most widely recognized by heart attacks and strokes, heart disease is one of the main sources of death in our present-day society. while drinking moderately is connected to a decreased danger of heart disease and can help lower blood pressure, cut the danger of diabetes raise appropriate HDL cholesterol in the bloodstream excessive drinking tends to pose danger to the heart.
- Contributes To Weight gain: There is a connection between alcohol and weight gain, although moderate drinking is connected to reduced weight, drinking alcohol in excess contributes to an increase in weight gain. Alcohol is the second most calorie-rich supplement consumed after fat and should be given a second thought before drinking, you can try drinking wine as a substitute as it was observed that the consumption of wine may help in weight reduction.
- Affect The Brain: Alcohol, when consumed in excess, can have various unfriendly consequences on the brain be it temporary or permanent. With an effect like memory loss or amnesia to even brain malfunction, it is best to consume alcohol on a moderate level.
- Affect the wellness of the Liver: Although one of the principal jobs of the liver is to fight different poisonous substances we consume, liver infections can be caused by the consumption of alcohol known as alcohol liver diseases because the liver is especially defenseless against harm caused by liquor consumption. With symptoms like fatty liver, inflamed liver, damage of the liver cells to a more severe liver condition known as cirrhosis, it is best to cut down on the consumption of alcohol for a proper functioning Liver.