
6 Every-day food you didn’t know can soothe Arthritis Pain


Arthritis can happen to anyone, both young and old. These are the kind of pain in a certain part of the body like the connective tissues e.g the joint. They tend to come and go or may stay permanently, it usually comes along with some sort of discomfort that might hinder your daily routine except for when you get a little relief. Medically there are two major kinds of this type of pain (Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis). This inflammation of the affected area can cause so much uneasiness, you wish the pain just disappears.


Areas that are mostly affected include the

In some cases some part of the skin


Symptoms Of Arthritis are

The affected area gets swollen
Tenderness and redness of the affected area


What contributes to Having Arthritis


  • Excessive weight: Conveying additional pounds makes joint inflammation especially in the hips and knee area deteriorate if not properly managed.
  •  Infection: some growths of bacteria in the body can taint the joints and trigger pain.
  • Hereditary: some arthritis conditions like rheumatoid joint pain might be linked to past family conditions.
  • Age: As we age the joints generally get weak, thereby giving room to pain.
  • Exercise: strenuous exercises or lifting hard objects often, might result in some joint inflammation.
  • Wounds: severe injury can cause inflammation in the joint if not properly healed.


                         Foods that Help soothe the pain


  • Turmeric: the curcumin content in turmeric has powerful recuperating properties.


  • Cherries: cherries contain polyphenols called anthocyanosides that can be used in treating and decrease pain.


  • Ginger: Ginger has an anti-inflammatory substance for calming joint inflammation and pain.


  • Apple cider vinegar: the high acidic substance in apple juice vinegar can reduce the impacts of inflammation.


  • Pineapple: the bromelain content in pineapples has ground-breaking anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Omega-3 rich foods: this includes fish, flaxseeds and chia seeds, they can help alleviate joint pain.


SEE ALSO: Foods to eat for a wider Hips and butt

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