
Your Newborn: Tips for the First Time Mums

   Motherhood is such an interesting hood, trust me on this I am talking from experience. As a first time mum, I was wondering if I could handle it, the truth is every woman has that ability to handle it especially when the time is right. Follow your heart and the love you have got for your little one before you know it you will be the one dishing out motherhood experience and advice to new mothers. Here I am sharing some of my experiences as a mum and I hope it will be helpful. Although every child is unique in their own way and so is every mother’s experience differs, notwithstanding, some things just stay relatable and we could all use some learning from each other.

  • Jot down things: A lot of new mums especially, tend to forget important things. It’s no surprise that with the many activities and attention that comes with having a baby, some things can get mixed up or forgotten. You know, vital pieces of information like dates, appointments with a doctor, and even things you would prefer not to overlook. Some of these things are like the date of your baby’s first smile, date of the first walk, or the very moment of some rare and unique things your baby did at a particular period of time. In the event that you don’t write such things down, it’s probably going to be overlooked and then forgotten. With experience, I would say just go ahead and take a jot right away, it might take a little of the time we really don’t have but it is definitely a rescue to totally forgetting or rather mixing things up. Write those little things down somewhere safe and easy to remember on the grounds that later you will need to recollect precisely how they were even at the point in time at which they were pretty much nothing and you feel like to just overlook them. 


  • Figure out what works best for you: As a new mom with no experience at all, you will be told and even see what other mothers do like the experience they had with their babies. Advice will come on how to go about some things, what’s best to do and what not to do, don’t be too fast to make use of all the advice, filter them and be sure it will be beneficial for you and your baby. Don’t stress if a recommendation isn’t working for you, have in mind that what works for a particular mother and her baby might not be a good idea for you as every child is unique and each mother is extraordinary. It is best for you to find out what best suits you and your child then apply with caution. This is because some of this advice is great and some of it is terrible. For instance, I was told my baby will be so attached and needy of me if she’s been held for long, but the thing is I won’t watch my baby cry and not attend to her or get her close to me especially with the fact that all babies need to bond properly with their mother, if she gets to that point of being on her own without my attention, then she will definitely not be too needy.  In all, It is best to discover which guidance works best for you and disregard the rest.


  • Request help in the event that you need it: Yes! baby comes in handy with lots and lots of things to do. Remember you are new at this motherhood parenthood thing, and it isn’t something that you handily outright perfect, I mean one gradually has to learn especially through experience, so In the event that you feel tired and there are just too many things that need to be done then you could use some help, request for it. Never be scared to seek a companion or relative to come to your rescue by visiting and rendering you the assistance needed. I will tell you, you will be needing somebody to come over maybe for some time so you can stretch a little, sit at the table and eat without holding your baby and also to attend to some other task. You should definitely at some point ask for a helping hand cause It is absolutely alright for you too.  


  • Always picture your baby’s adorable picture in your head: This might sound funny but trust me it is kind of stress-relieving picturing these adorable ones in our head. You know that little pretty smile and giggle they give to reassure they are doing fine, and also the thought of it that yes! this is my baby. At some time when you get tired and irritated or even confused, just do one thing, play a picture of that very moment you first held him or her in your hand and voila! you get to breathe some fresh air from God knows where.


  • Pay attention to your feelings: I don’t know how this happens but I realize there is that kind of feeling where I know for sure that I need to get my baby. This knowledge is quite common with lots of mothers, where you genuinely think something isn’t right. Go get your eye on your baby and not take that feeling for granted, no matter how busy you might get or wherever you are. And in the event that you are trying something new, let’s say new formula, food or baby product, if you feel some type of way about it, I will say just don’t do it, stay away from it especially for the sake of the little one who really can’t express themselves. it’s as simple as that because If you do, you might realize your feelings were right. So if something doesn’t feel right or look right, just don’t overlook that inclination. Hear it out. 


  • Don’t ever think of yourself as an awful mother: Instead, see yourself as a strong beautiful woman who can handle things. For the first-time mum especially, you might feel down and depressed about the whole motherhood thing. Don’t worry, you are not alone in this as many mothers feel the same way. See things as normal, even terrible days occur to mothers, and it’s vital not to get hung up when they do. Simply overcome the day, and begin the following day better than the previous.  I read a statement somewhere that says “You aren’t a terrible mother. You are a good mother having an awful day.” Yes, that’s what it is, sometimes we tend to have terrible days where we simply lounge around. That’s alright! it’s just one of those days that will surely end for a better one to come. You are strong and that’s the only reason you’ve got your little adorable one.


  • Your body is Nice: I know I was so conscious of my body after I welcomed my little one. I felt relaxed knowing I was not alone in this plight when I heard other new mums feel the same way. You know, you just drove a child out of your body, mother. Your belly will be loose and squishy, you will feel overweight among many other feelings, and it will require some serious energy before those varicose veins leave, not to mention the stretch marks that show overnight. What you should know is, you don’t have a bad body. NO! it took your stomach nine good months to stretch and keep your bundle of joy, give yourself the appropriate time. These things happen to all new mothers. Obviously, your body will look and feel somewhat not interesting at sight for some couple of month, don’t look down on yourself or compare your snapback journey with some other mothers, you know, we all have the different body type. In any case, be patient, tolerant, and be appreciative for what your astonishing body has done. Instead of worrying help yourself to recover properly by eating right, exercising when you are fit to, and most importantly, love yourself.


  • Build that bond early: It is not easy in this era that we are to stay away from our web-based life, but we ought to anyways as too much of getting on the phone and internet may rub off on the bond we need to build with our little ones. I know as a first time mum you want to show off your baby, or even hurriedly get back to whatever we miss on social media. Realize this, that this will demolish family time, especially when you doing it too often. The best time to bond with children is at the early stage when they are rapidly learning, plus you don’t need your baby growing up thinking you are so dependent on your telephones or you pay more attention to the phone than him or her. So when you are with your child, give them most of the attention, learn with them, know them, and let your child get to know you better. This is not to say you should not go about your business, especially if that’s what your work implies, it is just simply saying don’t be too carried away by the internet and neglect your child’s need in order for you both to bond properly.


  • Find time to take a break: who says motherhood is not a job? of course, it is, and every work needs a little break time. As interesting and addictive as motherhood may seem, it can also be stressful. Take time to rest, find something interesting to do like go shopping, see a movie and more. For instance, I like to read, it takes off my stress, what I do is I find time to sit somewhere, relax, and read off the stress. But make sure your baby is in safe hands before you try to get a break and cool off, then you will find out that you will be revived. After this, Its a fact you will have the energy to bond well with your baby more than before you took the time to relax. 


  • Naptime is superb: Try to get your little one to sleep while you do the same. Even if it’s for an hour, the body needs time to reset and get back its strength. Just like it’s been stated earlier like how good it is to take a break, don’t feel remorseful if you need to nap. And for the little one especially, nap time is good for them, even while sleeping they are growing plus, It is one of the main occasions in the day that you can get things done without holding a child or without being interfered with, so appreciate it while your baby naps.


  • Don’t panic if everything is not in place: When you have a baby you can never be too neat, I mean in terms of keeping everything in place. It is just the way it is, try put in order things you can and don’t feel bad if you feel disorganized. Once in a while, if you don’t complete everything that you need to, leave it be till the next day. Some days might feel like they keep going forever, you are a mother, you are completing an overly difficult activity, and you are trying your best at it. What’s more, everything will fall into place. So on the off chance that you have multi-day where you don’t complete everything or everything feels disorganized and confusing, it’s alright, know all is for your adorable bundle of joy and it is just the way it ought to be. It is beautifully perfect!

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